Tuesday, July 21, 2009

first visitor

i guess i never fully understood just how little there is to do here until alex visited me the last couple days. being alone, i've been itching to have someone to do things with, but now i finally had a visitor and had no idea what to do for entertainment. i guess just being by myself i'm not aware of how boring this area is.

for instance: alex got in mid-afternoon on sunday. since the end of the week/weekend was extremely busy for me, i still had all my writing to do, so it wasn't a very exciting day. we took a walking tour of town, but, being sunday, nothing was open and nobody was around. we had dinner at the legion, as it was the only place open on a sunday night. if nothing else, it was the perfect example of the company i keep here. i don't think there was anyone, besides our waitress, under the age of 75. off to a great start. we ended up having some beers and watching arrested development until alex passed out and i slaved at my computer to finish my work.

monday we drove to hastings to get some food. we ate some sloppy mexican food at a place i hadn't noticed before and then walked around the downtown. realizing there was nothing to even do there, we came back to my house, started drinking and watched episodes of south park. at 9, my sand volleyball team played, so we took a cooler to the park to watch. i ended up rotating in for the last two games, refusing to let my knee keep me out/because there was a girl playing on our team this week. [side note: the best way to meet what very, very few girls are out here is not to punch them in the mouth while going for the volleyball. especially when she calls you off from the ball, but you swipe at it anyway. really not the best policy. hopeless doesn't even begin to say it.]

after the game, we walked to my boss' house for a couple of post-game beers with some of the team. we left after a bit hoping to get to the bar, but found it closed before midnight. lame, sutton, lame. back to the house for tv and bed.

tuesday we golfed. and quit halfway through because we sucked and weren't having much fun. then alex hit the road for his next stop at kansas state.

i make it sound so exciting, but we had an all right time. it was great to just have a friend around for a couple days, even if we didn't do anything terribly fun. point: sutton is boring, but company is good. now i have to figure out how to entertain my parents when they get here saturday night.

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