Sunday, January 24, 2010

on ten o'clock news face-time

of course when i start writing again, the internet decides to stop working at my house. so i'm at the office saying, 'hold tight. he's not done yet.'

who got some face time on the ten o'clock news last night? this guy. as part of the previously mentioned murder mysteries i've been taking part in, we performed last night at the hastings museum. prior to this, i have been doing the same show all three times. scott has a number of different shows from like a christmas in london, an american idol theme, clue, which is what i have been doing, and a whole lot more. for this show, however, the museum wanted a new show, one to actually relate to the museum. so scott wrote the script, incorporating some historical facts about the museum's creation and some of the big names in hastings at that time. we had the car ride to hastings to learn the script and create a faint background for our characters, mine being the artist who painted a majority of the exhibit displays.

so, in that sense, it was tough. since it's all thinking on the spot, without time to discuss between characters any mutual story lines, a lot of the questions tables asked led to "oh but he said.." or "that's not what she said.." fortunately, it really doesn't matter a whole terrible lot what you say most of the time aside from the clues you give. which is good considering some of the questions they ask.

last night's performance was fun, though. everybody was into it, which makes it a much more enjoyable time for them and us. as for the news.. khas tv came to do a story on the performance and i was shown briefly in the b-roll.

and this afternoon, the les mis company meets again for rehearsal. i've been playing the crap out of the soundtrack in my car to get familiar with the pieces i'll be singing. it's sinking in more. i'm excited about it. might pop in the 10th anniversary dvd i'm borrowing when i get home to see how much more ass michael ball kicks as marius than i can expect to.

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