Wednesday, February 3, 2010

on hitting the "becaaame"

a quick les mis update:

i've been in rehearsing the last three days so towards the end of it last night, some notes got tough to hit. however, my 'empty chairs at empty tables' is actually sounding pretty good.

last night i worked with the guys playing enjolras and valjean, piecing together some of the scenes we're all in. and jason's (valjean) 'bring him home' sounds fantastic. so at least there will be a few songs that will be solid.

enjolras, on the other hand, i feel needs to change a bit. right now he's singing mid-high range. not saying it sounds bad, because it sounds alright, just a little too pretty for the character. he's supposed to be the leader of student revolutionaries, firing them up to fight. he should have a powerful, low voice. it just doesn't sound right singing a battle cry in near falsetto. it should sound like this. (the guy in the sweet vest who starts around 25 seconds.)

but who am i to judge. maybe this will all get sorted out when we hit the stage and start developing the actual plot and characters.

for now, a steady diet of oj, water and lozenges. so i can hit that damn "becaaame."

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