Sunday, December 21, 2008

kevin's my new bowling name

last night i had to make a trip to clay center (15-20 minute drive) to snap a couple of pictures for a story this week. the manager of the golf course there is trying to get people together to play wii golf and/or bowling during the winter months to a) get people to the facility and b) have some fun. kind of a cool idea, unfortunately there were only two people other than her in attendance last night. she said if enough people end up coming out, she'd like to start a league and keep track of handicaps and stats. being at the course made me excited to try out the new courses around here come spring.

in honor of them humoring me and playing a few games of wii bowling so i could get a couple pictures to accompany the story, i decided to check out sutton's bowling alley, clay bowl. it's a really small place, with a little bar and six lanes. saturday night is open bowl and i figured that with only six lanes and nothing else to do in town that it might be crowded and i'd have no chance to get on, but it was really not the case. there were some older guys and gals there playing poker and some others bowling. i sat at the bar and had a michelob amber bach and talked with the owners, kelly and dave. they had their niece and nephew helping them, high-school age danielle and trey, respectively. i decided to bowl a game, and trey joined me. he's got the spin down, whereas i'm just straight on, but we bowled about the same. at first i was struggling, so i decided i needed a change of ball. i found a lighter one (yeah, i'm weak..) that fit my fingers perfectly and had the name "kevin" on it. and after i started using kevin, i found my form. so i've got my new ball and, perhaps my new bowling alias.

after bowling two games, i sat at the bar for another beer with a few guys who got knocked out of the poker game. one guy, kenny, had some great stories. one involved his girlfriend falling off of the tree stand while hunting and breaking her back and the surgeries and complications following (she's fine, now..). another was him falling while working on a house and breaking his femur and his hip in the freezing cold about 3 miles from the hospital and not getting to the hospital until 3 hours later, due to incompetent emergency personnel. i seriously hope nothing bad happens so i don't have to potentially deal with that.. (mom, don't worry.)

a good night, though. and kelly told me the bowling was on the house because i was new. so cool of them. they took my number in case they need a sub during league play or for card games. so i've found somewhere else to hang out.


  1. The local emergency personnel here are so bad that the one mini mall on the island burned down because the nearest fire hydrant didn't work, and then the longer hose that they used to reach to the next one was full of holes. The insurance money paid for it to be rebuilt, and then the insurance company turned around and sued the government. They got a huge settlement out of it.

    I feel like I'm constantly one-upping you on he badness of things here, although I actually love this place.

    Pretty cool about the free bowling.

  2. hello from your mystery joke-feeder. it seems that we've traded states--nebraska for north carolina and vice versa. april gave me your blog so that i could follow your adventures in the great middle state. hopefully she'll grow on you. you can't deny the fun of a capital building that's a giant phallic symbol. or that if cows revolted you’d be seriously screwed. or that they finally caught the buttprint bandit (true story,

    oh and on the churches: a lot of rural churches actually use the side door and keep their front door locked because foot traffic has naturally evolved into only using the side door. don’t ask me why. it’s not very visitor friendly. but next time try the side door. in the mean time, enjoy the good life.

  3. this is fantastic...i just just send you my ball, that truly makes you bowl well.

    so all this reading about sutton makes me want to move there...any jobs for me? you know how much trouble we could get in if i moved there? haha

    hope to read 'downtown sutton' from you sometime soon : )

  4. don't get me wrong, emily, the good life has been, well, good so far. just an adjustment. love the butt bandit story. maybe i'll start some copycat crimes. it'll give me something to write about at least..

    thanks for the church advice. i'm taking on another one on sunday. i'll attack from the side door. we'll see how it goes.
