Saturday, May 9, 2009

moms need a photography lesson

seriously. so many of the submitted photos we get are terrible. and tonight i sat behind a mom at an honors banquet and had the pleasure/misery of watching her snap terribly framed/timed/all-around-composed pictures allllll night. i'm not a great photographer, but i know what a terrible photo is.

first, head room. don't put their face in the center of the screen. that leaves half the picture with nothing but a boring background.

second, your camera has a zoom for a reason. use it. get in tight. don't have wasted space.

three, you have a digital camera. snap away, you can always delete. don't take your sweet time to frame a terrible picture and wait so long that someone walks in front of them or the subject moves.

the best part was that she knew every photo was bad. she kept showing them to the mom next to her, who was also taking bad pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the people here who think they know how to write their own ads. After paying for a 30-second ad, people here are constantly giving us things that can't possibly be done in under a full minute (most of which could easily be cut), then getting angry when we don't run them EXACTLY how they wrote it. Then asking us to slow down the pace of the ad, already at 45 seconds and ad a little more content. Or they want to put an ad within an ad and don't understand the problem.

    This is as bad as the signs for businesses here with enough writing to fill up an entire billboard, but in a font so small that we have no idea what it's for, so you end up just seeing a blur of words when you drive by. I could easily make a whole blog post about how bad they are.
