Friday, May 1, 2009

officially no posts in april.. sorry?

alright, i'll try to get back into the groove of regular updates here. you'd think it'd either have to be crazy for me to have no time to write or so boring there'd be nothing to report on. truth is, i've just become too lazy. and since my job revolves around writing, it's not something i rush to do in my spare time. unfortunately. this type of writing is all but killing my love for it. kind of. i guess. i dunno..

i won't bother catching you up, it'd take far too long. well, actually, suffice this april in a nutshell to do the trick: amazing race host came to sutton; attended the nebraska press association convention; easter with my boss's wife's family; lots of golf. wow, that was a weak recap. my short term memory has become even worse out here. as soon as i finish something it's instantly on to the next item, so i forget about it almost immediately. soo, i should write daily blogs to remember such things? let's try. and give up after a week like usual..

tonight i went back to doniphan, for like the 4th time in five days. [i'll be there tomorrow, too, for a lift-a-thon. fingers crossed they don't call on the 'newspaper guy' to try his luck at benching because i'm sure a freshman girl could outbench me right now.]

the event tonight was an athletic banquet. typical coach recognizes the team and recaps the season type deal. made me miss organized sports a little. and made me think about how i should have worked as hard as i goofed off. if i am able to keep this blog regular again, i'll start doing such cheesy things like 'small town moment of the day' or 'awesome thing about life today' sorts of things. today would be this:

at the end of the banquet, the booster club played a powerpoint with music and pictures of all the teams. the first sport featured was football and the song played with it was journey's "don't stop believing." what was awesome about this was that usually everyone is completely silent during these videos, unless there's an awkward photo or the like. not here. when steve perry belted out "she's just a small town girl, living in a lonely world," some students sang along. even if quietly, they still sang out loud. i found this awesome because so often people would not even think to sing along during a slideshow. especially at a banquet, with parents, with faculty, with other students who find it "uncool." but these kids decided it both appropriate and entertaining to sing along with perhaps one of the best sing-a-long songs. i'm not explaining it well right now, but hopefully you get me. im finding more and more that my least favorite quality in someone is when they act too cool for something or that they are above something. sometimes, you need to check that thought and do something because it's fun. and if you can't stop and sing along each and every time "don't stop believing" pumps through the speakers of your car, a store or an athletic banquet, you're either in need of a too-cool-for-school attitude check or are seriously underestimating the awesomeness of the song.

if you get what i'm getting at.

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