Wednesday, February 18, 2009

for uncle wayne

i got a phone call from papa yesterday, informing me that he had just spoken with my uncle wayne, who wanted to know why i haven't been posting anything here lately. no good reason, wayne. no good reason. just a little busy is all. but here you go.

again, tuesday night turned into about a 15 hour work day. and again, we ask "how does this happen?" it's a vicious cycle. i get so burned out after monday and tuesday that i need a down day, which doesn't allow me to get ahead with work. on top of that everything seems to happen late in our publishing week, which backs everything else up. which means i am unable to start laying out pages until tuesday afternoon. which in turn adds to the stress and ensures a late night. [this is the last time i will complain about this.]

darren and cassie are gone until sunday for the state wrestling tournament in omaha. four kids from sutton qualified (one with a legitimate shot at the championship for his weight class as a freshman) and a few others from the county made it as well. darren said he's going to shoot some video at the meet, so i'll hopefully be able to work with that footage and stream something to our website [which is so far outdated and in need of a pick-me-up.]

i'm covering a basketball game tonight in mccool junction [front-runner for the coolest town name ever.] heard there's a good prime rib place there, so i think i'm gonna grab a bite to eat there before hand. besides subway, i've only gone out to eat once since i've been here. then again, there's only one diner-esque place in town to eat. options are limited, unless i want to drive half an hour. but to drive that far to go out to eat by myself isn't all that appealing. i prefer my home cooked concoctions which i can enjoy in hermit mode.

more to come. i promise..


  1. lol, sounds good Kris. (I like Mccool, too) Still snowy as hell here. Sounds like you are settling in pretty well.

  2. Hey, I finally figured out how to post (watch out) Had to hit preview first!!.. duh, or what!!
