Monday, March 30, 2009


i got a cat.

don't tell my landlord, though. i haven't told him yet. not that it will matter, but i just haven't let him know.

carolyn, who i worked with for the first month or so i was here, lives on a farm with a handful of cats, several dogs, four horses, two miniature horses, bunnies, cows, etc. she friended me on facebook just recently and told me that somone dropped a cat off to her and that he was mine if i wanted him. impulsively, i went to her house, met all her other animals and then was handed a litterbox, some cat food and the cat. unlike flip, my cat from home, he sat in my lap the whole ride back to my house.

i'd guesstimate his age to be about two years old or so. he's still pretty thin, but not kitten small or cat big. is that "kitty" territory? or something like a catten? it's weird having him, though. i went from just little, old me in my house to a little bugger that will not leave my side (or my feet or my face) for a second. but i like his company, except when he makes a whole bunch of noise or tries to attack me when i'm sleeping. apparently night time is when he gets playful.

i've been calling him "budders" so i guess that's what his name will be. kind of inspired by one of my favorite south park characters leopold "butters" scotch. though he's a squirmer and never sits still, so i briefly considered a name change to "sqworms," which would double as a personality trait and my favorite candy. but i like budders.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

we're goin digital baaaaaabyyyy

(subject to be read while singing)

just finished editing and posting video from the girls state basketball tournament last weekend, where one of the teams we cover for one of our papers finished in second.

find it here:

hey, aurora paper. what do you think about your "sound slides" now? bitch, we got video. uhhh.

haha. we're trying to do one each week. maybe if we start getting more traffic on the sites and good feedback, we may try to do a game of the week and have sponsors for each. who knows. but it's fun to play around with final cut again.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

interesting prospect

justin, my friend/fellow journalism buddy from elon, got in touch with me today to feel out my interest in a possible job opening at the daily paper he works for in stillwater, oklahoma. apparently the sports editor is leaving in a couple of weeks and justin is going to put his name in for the position. if he gets it, he wanted to know if i'd be interested in working under him as a sports reported for oklahoma state and six high schools.

it's pretty cool that he thought of me. at least the thought is appreciated. it's a daily, which would be a change of pace and it'd be nice to get back into sports. i told him i'd think on it.

i'm leaning toward sticking it out here for a while, though. for all my complaints, i'm really enjoying myself. my reasons to stay:
a) three/four months seems a bit too soon to look for something else.
b) i don't want to bail on darren and cassie. they've had many fleeting reporters, which makes it difficult for them to get the paper to where they want it to be. i want to help 'em.
c) i'm excited for golf season and getting a membership and playing in the mens' league. i've got a partner lined up and everything.
d) dave from the bowling alley told me he'd take me along for tornado tracking this summer. oklahoma would be better tornado country, but i've got the helen hunt to my bill paxton here.

still, it's kind of cool to know that if i wanted it, there could be something else for me. we'll see. but i like it here for now.

closure on fairfield drama

on wednesday, i arrived at the office to find erica handing me a letter. sweet! fan mail!

inside is a letter to the editor (cc: me) from the mayor of fairfield. i assume it was drafted post legion meeting as mentioned in the last post. it reads:

The Fairfield Sons of the American Legion and the Fairfiled Community Club would like to formally apologize to Kris Moody and the Clay County News for the actions of Legion Post Commander Bob Matticks, when he told Kris that he would sue him for taking pictures at the recent Fish Fry and Casino Night on 2/21/09.
We were unaware that this incident happened that evening or we would have corrected it right then. We are very sorry that the actions of one person has tarnished our entire community. Fairfield welcomes and appreciates all the positive publicity that Kris has given the community since he moved to Clay County in December of 2008. We hope that he will not let the actions of one spoil his open invitation to visit and be a part of our community whenever he is able to do so.
Lynn Ridgway and Gloria Ridgway

case closed. and i need to find a frame for this letter. decorate my office a little.