Monday, March 30, 2009


i got a cat.

don't tell my landlord, though. i haven't told him yet. not that it will matter, but i just haven't let him know.

carolyn, who i worked with for the first month or so i was here, lives on a farm with a handful of cats, several dogs, four horses, two miniature horses, bunnies, cows, etc. she friended me on facebook just recently and told me that somone dropped a cat off to her and that he was mine if i wanted him. impulsively, i went to her house, met all her other animals and then was handed a litterbox, some cat food and the cat. unlike flip, my cat from home, he sat in my lap the whole ride back to my house.

i'd guesstimate his age to be about two years old or so. he's still pretty thin, but not kitten small or cat big. is that "kitty" territory? or something like a catten? it's weird having him, though. i went from just little, old me in my house to a little bugger that will not leave my side (or my feet or my face) for a second. but i like his company, except when he makes a whole bunch of noise or tries to attack me when i'm sleeping. apparently night time is when he gets playful.

i've been calling him "budders" so i guess that's what his name will be. kind of inspired by one of my favorite south park characters leopold "butters" scotch. though he's a squirmer and never sits still, so i briefly considered a name change to "sqworms," which would double as a personality trait and my favorite candy. but i like budders.


  1. psst...south park character is butters, not budders. but that's ok


  2. look closelier at my post swanz nug. he's my buddy, so i took some creative liberty with the spelling.

    did someone say 'catch a jew'?

  3. reading comprehension: im doin it wrong
