Thursday, March 5, 2009

closure on fairfield drama

on wednesday, i arrived at the office to find erica handing me a letter. sweet! fan mail!

inside is a letter to the editor (cc: me) from the mayor of fairfield. i assume it was drafted post legion meeting as mentioned in the last post. it reads:

The Fairfield Sons of the American Legion and the Fairfiled Community Club would like to formally apologize to Kris Moody and the Clay County News for the actions of Legion Post Commander Bob Matticks, when he told Kris that he would sue him for taking pictures at the recent Fish Fry and Casino Night on 2/21/09.
We were unaware that this incident happened that evening or we would have corrected it right then. We are very sorry that the actions of one person has tarnished our entire community. Fairfield welcomes and appreciates all the positive publicity that Kris has given the community since he moved to Clay County in December of 2008. We hope that he will not let the actions of one spoil his open invitation to visit and be a part of our community whenever he is able to do so.
Lynn Ridgway and Gloria Ridgway

case closed. and i need to find a frame for this letter. decorate my office a little.

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