Friday, January 2, 2009

downtown owl

i haven't read a book, outside the harry potter series, in full in i'm not sure how long. yeah, i skimmed/guessed in college. but i finished chuck klosterman's "downtown owl" yesterday. it was the perfect book for my current situation. on the surface it's about a small town in rural north dakota, focusing on three of the town's residents (one happens to be a 23 year old girl, who moves to owl for her first job. you see the connections.) i don't feel like writing a book review, but suffice it to say that i felt incredible after finishing it. (joke away, goulet.) the combination of klosterman's style (he says a lot of things i try to say in a way that i'd like to say them), julia's experiences and eventual realization about her life in owl, and his commentary on average people was exactly what i needed to hear.
i immediately had to say a few things to a few people after finishing it. i called deloose and gleese, since they were both reading it, too, and was glad to hear deloose echo similar sentiments about the book.
it was just exactly what i needed to hear, and i found it extremely reassuring.

1 comment:

  1. You would feel incredible after reading a book, I expect nothing less.
