Friday, January 23, 2009


over a week since an update? some blog, kris..

briefly: haircut in 15 minutes; grand island to cover a 'klondike derby' for the area scouts and blue hill to cover something about bulls on main street; i'm officially on a bowling team now, no more subbing.

phone interview today: a recent graduate of one of the high school's we cover is in sacramento on a mission trip (i think mormon.) anyway, i went through his dad to get in touch with him, a process that started about a week ago. what happened is that adam (the mission kid) has to go through like several layers of public relations just to talk with me about what he's doing out there. they got it "approved" for him to talk to me yesterday, and one of the middle-men who has been communicating to me will be listening in. pressures on to make the interview worth all this stress? seems like an interesting experience for him, though. 2-year mission, all his own expenses, can actually baptize people if they want to join the church. can't drink caffeine, though. too much of a distraction from his purpose. i didn't feel it was necessary in my screening call to tell the PR guy that i'd be slugging down coffee while i talk to adam.

more later. promise.

hi glenn's class. welcome to virtual nebraska.

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