Friday, January 23, 2009

what NOT to do

glenn's class - if you're still in session, pay attention. (weezo, edge.)

last night i was supposed to cover a D.A.R.E. program graduation in giltner. note the bold words. first, "supposed" meaning, no, i did not actually cover this. "giltner" meaning the town the event was actually in. i went to glenvil. rookie mistake. between first hearing of the event and getting into my car to drive the 35 minutes there, i convinced myself the event was in glenvil, for whatever reason. awesome that i didn't realize my error until this morning.

luckily, this is a weekly, and i can afford to make a couple phone calls to cover myself. hopefully..
wow. double-check things. i'm an idiot.

the DARE graduation was actually moved to monday night. we were not notified of this change, so i would have missed it anyway. but it kind of bails me out?

[and this girl who works in the office doing legals/ad placements/obits, etc. has had the song "all that she wants" by ace of base on repeat for the last three days. don't get me wrong, it's a hell of a throw back, but all day? c'mon. can i at least get "in the eyes of the stranger" or "it's a beautiful life" just once?]


  1. I'll show them this on Monday. We looked at your stuff on Friday and really enjoyed it. I did stuff like that, too. When I was in Japan, I once set out for a town and never did find it. I guess it existed, but it sure wasn't where my map said it was. It was probably not a town at all. Just a post office out in farmland. In Japan, hard to pull into the gas station to ask for directions, too. First, no one would know what I was saying. Second, if they did, someone would feel it necessary to personally escort me to the town, which would end up being more work than the story. So I just finally turned around and drove back. It was on my time on a Saturday anyway. I don't even remember now why I went. I think a group of U.S. military families were going to a farm field to pick fruit or something. Congrats on bowling team. You're almost in your own tribe now.

  2. I think your mind was like a whiteboard it that situation...
